Op. Dr. Ufuk Önsal
General SurgeryLicence: GATA - Afyon Kocatepe University -
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Specialization: Düzce University - General Surgery
Medical Specialization: Düzce University - General Surgery
- Bariatric surgery,
- Metabolic surgery,
- Endoscopic procedures (Intragastric balloon, Intragastric Botox applications),
- Laparoscopic hernia repairs,
- Benign diseases of the perianal region (haemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal fistula, pilonidal sinus, laser surgery)
- Gastric Bypass and Beyond Basic Training Course, Turkish Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
- Training in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), Turkish Surgical Society
- "Laser Technique in the Treatment of Haemorrhoidal Disease, Medical Park Hospital
- Laparoscopic abdominal wall repair, Dokuz Eylul University
- Clinical Anatomy of Abdominal Surgery, Ankara University
- Breast and thyroid ultrasound, Turkish Surgeons Association
- MENA EUS & ERCP Workshop, Bezmialem University
- Medicine at Work, Ministry of Social Security
- Ege City Private Hospital 2022-2023
- Private Health Hospital 2021-2022
- Izmir University Bakircay Cigli Teaching and Research Hospital 2020-2021
- Düzce University Faculty of Medicine Hospital 2014-2020
- Turkish International Congress of Colorectal Surgery, Antalya, 2021
- National Congress of Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
- Congress of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Antalya, 2017
- National Congress of Surgeons, Antalya, 2016