The breast tissue is a significant part of women’s beauty. Thus, esthetic breast surgeries are very popular throughout the world. Wedit my name and my lovers name on a paper sigmaessays com edit my paper online help proofread my paperomen, who have breast development issues during puberty, who have small breasts, who complain about their breast size and sagging, who have congenital breast deformities, who have breast asymmetry consult plastic surgery specialists for esthetic breast operations.
Breast augmentation is the most popular surgery together with liposuction and abdominoplasty in USA in 2011. Breast augmentation can be performed using patient’s own fat tissue, silicone implants, or inflatable implants. Silicone, which is known for its harmlessness to the body for many years, is processed at laboratories, transformed into silicone implants that we use today, and used safely. Viscous silicone gels called cohesive gels are used today. These 5th generation silicone implants, which are produced using the lasts technology and confirmed by American FDA, do not leak even if they are punctured. Silicone implant is produced having flat or ragged surfaces, circular or drop-shaped (anatomic) shapes, low, middle, or high projections depending on profile specifications. Silicone implants can be implanted by making various incisions on different plans of the breast. Various brands of implants are used safely at the market. Implant choice depends on doctor’s and patient’s preferences.
– Having asymmetric breast proportions in which one breast is underdeveloped compared to the other.
– Having complaints about breast structure and size.
– Lacking breast tissues due to breast cancer
– Being 18 years of age when breast tissue completes its anatomical development.
– Not having any illnesses, which may obstruct the surgery.
With incisions on armpits, nipples, and under the breast, silicone implants can be implanted in several ways including, under the breast tissue (sub-glandular), under the muscle (sub-muscular), under the muscle membrane (sub-facial), or in multiple layouts called “dual-plane”. Additionally, inflatable implants can be implanted, by entering the body through the incision opened during abdominoplasty (T.A.B.A. method), if the patefree essay writer essaywritingservicehelp co uk essay writing app how to write an essay quickly research paper help good topics for a research paper write essay for ment had abdominoplasty, or entering through belly button (T.U.B.A. method).
All of these choices are made during the doctor’s meeting with the patient. All options have same advantages and disadvantages.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia at hospitals, and it lasts for 1-2 hours. Bandaging and brassiere are applied on the breast. Post-surgery pain is minimal. If the dissolved stitches are used, removing them is not necessary. Swellings and bruises may occur in early times, but they vanish within 10 days. Drain usage is a choice to be made by the doctor; drains are removed within 1-2 days. The patient may go back to his/her job in 3 to 5 days. It is recommended to avoid heavy exercise for 1-2 months. Facedown sleeping is not recommended for 2 months. Slight deformations may occur after the surgery, but they can usually be treated by massaging.
Some complications are possible after breast augmentation surgery. Bleeding, seroma, and infection can be seen in early periods after the surgery. Capsule formation-contraction, asymmetry, and problems with nipple sensitivity may occur long time after the surgery. It is possible to minimize these complications. Spontaneous implant punctures and inflations are not often seen. Implants may be damaged in cases of putting too much pressure, or injuries with a sharp tool. In such cases, implants should be replaced.
Breast implants do not prohibit activities such as plane travels, martial arts, and scuba diving. Of the patients who undergone breast implantation, breast ultrasonography for those under 40, and mammography for those over 40 should be routinely performed. After breast augmentation, the breast tissue can be observed with screening techniques such as examination, ultrasonography, tomography, mammography, and magnetic resonance screening. Implants do not obstruct these examinations. Silicone implants do not cause breast cancer. In fact, some publications stated that they restrain breast cancer, by putting pressure on the breast tissue. In case of pregnancy after breast augmentation, the implants do not require removal, mother can breastfeed their babies during postpartum period. Implants do not require replacement after a certain time. They can be replace if there is a problem related to the implant.